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I was first licensed as KN4PQL in 1958.

In 1996 Lynn & I retired and moved from Apex, NC to a 75 acre (30 hectare) QTH located at Blounts Creek NC, near the juncture of the lower Pamlico river and Pamlico Sound.
GPS= N35 22.010 W76 55.050.

Since then I have been very QRL setting up a station and antennas.
Here is a look toward Europe
from the 20M tower.
This is the view to the Northwest off the 20m tower (very flat topography)
Looking to the Southwest the vista is similar (that is a lot of driveway to care for !)
A Northeast view, looking back at the buildings, is here.

The present Blounts Creek NC station consists of two Elecraft K3's (SO2R) driving either a LK500ZC, Alpha 99, Alpha 8100, or Alpha 89 amplifier (presently set to Alpha 99 & 8100).

I use a 5L 10m yagi, on a 90' AB105 10m tower that also supports a three element 40M quad fixed on W. coast , a 130' 20m AB105 low band tower that supports a M2 4L 20 @ 130',

160M folded monopole, 80M 4 square , and a 40m tower that is 130' high and supports a XM240 yagi.

A 220' philystran catenary between the 130' towers supports a 6el 40M quad fixed on Europe, designed using 4NEC2.

We have recently also installed a 160M antenna designed by K2AV giving us some directionality to Europe. This antenna is about 800' from the shack and is fed by open wire with 9:1 transformers on either end.

Also a fourth 35M Rohn 55 15M tower supports a M2 15M-4. A picture of a double PVRC mount on the tower is located here.

73, Howie N4AF

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Other ham interests:

  • CW - 100%. I enjoy ragchewing and contesting- NO packet DXing
  • Linux CQRLOG for general logging and TR4W for contest logging under linux.

  • Non-ham interests:

  • Enjoy tennis, gardening, sci-fi books, computer (linux) programming, good music, and reading.
  • PLS QSL via LOTW, I am not a collector
  • Radio: A NPR junkie...

    Please send any comments to: Howie Hoyt N4AF

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